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I Need The Help Of a Cyberdating Expert... - Joplin, MO

Message Author: G_dtf (Member # MUS5162470)

Author's Location: Joplin, MO

Message Date: 2024-01-19 17:11:25


Hey Everybody,

I agree with your friends opinion of online dating as a way to meet a new mate. I'm no expert but I think CyberDating sucks

I find that a lot of the people that I have messaged on Cyberdating are really just creepy weirdos. It seems like a free dating site brings out all the cheep people who don't have the confidence in themselves to actually spend a buck or two for a dating site where you have to pay to post your profile. I also think that since it is the site is free, all the opportunists out there will just post a dating profile with no real intention of trying to foster a relationship. They are just hoping someone will pop up and want to have sex with them.

Lastly, I think that many of the people on Cyberdating are married or in relationships but are looking for other options. Since this is a totally free site they won't have a charge on their credit card that their spouse will find, and if it came down to it they could say truthfully that they never spent a dime on an online dating site.

Anyhow Tara, forget the free sites and head to a pay site.

My two cents,

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