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Why All The Short Guys?? I Need a Tall Man! - Simpsonville, SC

Message Author: Jeep45 (Member # MUS8068730)

Author's Location: Simpsonville, SC

Message Date: 2024-01-15 11:12:30


I've diligently perused this dating platform for the past hour, and regrettably, my endeavors have yet to yield encounters with gentlemen of discerning stature in my vicinity. Standing at a statuesque 5 feet 10 inches, I acknowledge my above-average height for a woman. However, it appears that the male demographic on this site tends to converge around this threshold or, regrettably, fall short thereof. While I hold no aversion to parity in height with my potential paramour, an occasional dalliance with heels would indeed be a pleasant deviation.

My previous association with a gentleman of diminished stature proved taxing, as his persistent concern about perceived height differentials during public engagements became rather wearisome. In light of this, I find myself in pursuit of a gentleman of stature surpassing 6 feet, possessed of both height and an innate understanding of the refined art of treating a lady. Should such a paragon exist, I warmly extend an invitation to make acquaintance.

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