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Sex Affair - Newark, DE

Message Author: Geovrotsis (Member # MUS6014470)

Author's Location: Newark, DE

Message Date: 2024-01-16 13:57:00



I am in your area and would like possibly to meet you for sex. We would need to meet in a chat room or using skype first to make sure that we are sexually attracted to each other before we meet in person.

I prefer to have an affair with shorter men, preferably below 5 feet 6 inches tall. And men with a lot of hair on their chest and stomach are also very sexy to me. I prefer to meet for our affair in public places. For example the last time I had sex with a stranger, it was in the fitting room at a clothing store. I met the man in the mall and after walking for about 15 minutes, we went into a store and he pretended to help me buy a dress. After we chose a few dresses off the rack he came into the fitting room with me. I put on the dress without my underwear and then we had sex standing up.

Anyway, if you are interested in having that kind of affair, please post back here with your skype username and I will call you.

:Looking for sex from females in my area

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