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Still interested in sex with women? - Chicago, IL

Message Author: Largo566

Author's Location: Chicago, IL

Message Date: 2018-04-30 06:42:00


I'm curious.

I now this trans woman - a man who is working at becoming a woman. I only know him from a running group that I run with so I don't feel like I know him well enough to ask about his ordeal. So I thought I would just ask it here and somebody can hopefully clue me in.
So, he was a guy and he has been working at switching to a woman. He has had his/her beard roved with electrolysis, he has boobs (I don't know how), he wears a wig and he dresses like a woman (a slutty woman at that-too short skirts and low cut browses).
So my question is: is he/she now hoping to find a guy? Or is she still interested in sex with women and she's just hoping the woman will appreciate her in her new skin?

And what's with dressing in slutty girl clothes? She is about 50 and she dresses like a trampy 25 year old? I don't understand?

I wonder if she is dressing like the woman she always hoped the girl of her previous dreams would dress. Again, I don't understand.
Please post back if you can clear this up for me.
Cheers, Largo

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