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Want to find more hookups on these adult sex sites?? - Bethlehem, PA

Message Author: Sue.Vixen

Author's Location: Bethlehem, PA

Message Date: 2018-04-12 05:10:00


I assume you guys came here get laid... But I get most of you never get a single response from your profile. Right??

As a woman I have been on Adult CyberDating for a about 18 months and I have had about a dozen short-term sex relationships (which is exactly what I want).

Here's what I see most men doing wrong: As with any dating site you have to have a good attitude, be respectful and be willing to put time and effort in to communicate with people.

Too often I'll get a message from a total stranger asking me if I want to fuck. Well, ya, I do want to fuck but us women want to have at least a bit of a connection with the dude before we get naked and steamy.

If you just hold back a bit and like I said... display a "good attitude" and take the "time and effort."

We don't want you to be giving us a line of crap and sending us a box of heart shaped chocolates - just have a conversation with us so we know you're not some pervert in your mom's basement.

Just some food for thought.

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